The 411 on The Nordstrom Anniversary Sale

The Nordstrom Anniversary Sale, otherwise known as Christmas in July, is the best time of year to stock up on fall and winter goodies that are on sale when they are released, rather than at the end of the season, thus offering the best prices. This sale promises the best new goods from brands that rarely go on sale at amazing savings. The preview period that lets you view the sale items online before they go live so that you can plan your “strategy” for this epic sale.

Everyone will be able to view the items online that are included in the sale online beginning on July 6th. You will be able to add items to your “wish list” at this time, and depending on your “level” at Nordstrom, you will be able to check out online or shop in the store anywhere between July 12th and July 16th. You MUST have a Nordstrom retail or credit card to shop this sale OR be a member of the Nordy Club during the insider access period. You can join the club HERE or apply for a card HERE. The sale opens to non card holders on July 28th and ends for everyone on Aug. 8th. The earlier you can check out, the better chance you have of getting your must have items before they sell out.


  1. You must have the Nordstrom Card to shop the sale before it opens to the public. Trust me, when the sale opens to everyone, not much is left so the card is KEY. Apply for a card HERE and get a $60 Nordstrom Note to spend during the sale.
  2. I prefer to shop online during this sale. Not all stores carry all of the items included in the sale and often times inventory in store is not ideal. If you choose to shop in store, make an appointment with an associate. This is a free service and can be booked at
  3. Items sell out FAST so if you are deciding between a size or a color way, BUY BOTH and return one later. Nordstrom offers free shipping and returns.
  4. Use this sale to stock up on staple items such as boots and booties, denim, cardigans and sweaters, outerwear, intimates such as bras/underwear and pajamas, and beauty items that rarely go on sale.
  5. My #1 TIP for this sale is to choose OVERNIGHT SHIPPING FOR YOUR ORDER. Did you hear that? Shipping times can be SLOW and there are instances where something in your order will get cancelled because it has been oversold. IT IS WORTH the extra money, trust me on this one…

I will be rounding up my top picks by category when the preview goes live online on July 6th and will be sharing them with you on July 8th so that you can start to narrow down your choices. The amount of inventory can be overwhelming and I am here to help, it is going to be FUN! See you then!

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